May 31, 2005

New Beginnings

Jessica started her first real job today at a Dunkin Donuts. She was so proud of herself that she called to tell her mom the good news, but her mom's response I guess was less than encouraging and excited for her. Sometimes I think her mom has thrown a shoe or something... I mean, I know she's pissed at me for Jess wanting to come live with me, but that should make no difference when it comes to one's daughter. I am very proud of her. She has to go to a prom this weekend, but when asked if she could work she told them as long as it ends before 4PM. That's a good work ethic! She didn't try to write the whole day off.

I will be working both jobs the remainder of the week and likely into the weekend. That bothers Kelli more than it does me. It isn't forever, it's just to get our finances back on track or until she can get meaningful employment. It's a risk not spending time together, but it's for a good reason...our kids need us to be able to provide them with things. We don't have them for long....just really three more years to be precise.

My #3 daughter's graduation commensement is June 25th. We are giving her a party at my brother's along with Stefan's on July 16th. Both are Saturdays.
The events happening globally seem more and more to be pointing towards Christ's imminent return for His faithful. The world doesn't all believe that, but they do so to their own destruction and eternal damnation. I didn't say that, God did.

Wal-Mart sure has changed since I worked there 10 years ago. I like some of the changes, but I am almost certain Sam Walton, founder of Wal-Mart, would not approve of some of the changes. Still other changes were admittedly necessary in order to stay competitively priced on stuff.

Ashley's car is now insured, we got the ID cards, but now the trick is getting plates on the darn thing. In Pennsylvania this is not as easy as it was for me when I lived in NY. The local DMV does not provide plates. The do only photo ID's for the licenses. What a waste of governmental services. They should offer it on line like they do other services if they are going to be so tight about everything.

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