Feb 4, 2006

What's Left

When you think you are at the end of your rope and then things get worse, you know that God is somehow trying to get your attention. I know I have to learn to listen to Him more attentively. It seems we go from one domestic situation to another.

I can attest to the fact that alcohol is a very real hinderance to having any money. When the one you love abuses it, you can watch your financial future go down the toilet, along with your respect and admiration you may have once had for them.

People are upset over cartoons of Mohammad, yet Mohammad was the beginning of terrorism. He used it himself during his attempts to get converts to Islam. I have no idea what he may have looked like, but I am sure he was Arab, a decendant of Ishmael. He did not steer followers to the true and living God, but instead to a god by another name....Allah they call him. I know that a war is coming against Jesus' foes, but it is hard to watch people following a false prophet.

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