Aug 3, 2005

Daily thoughts

Daily thoughts

There is always something to be thankful least that is what they tell you. I partially believe it now because I am thankful for my wife, Kelli and there is no one who I wish to replace her with. She has a hot temper, and when she goes off, she is impulsive about what she says and does. She has chosen to stay with me under the most trying circumstances, and that has to be very hard to do. I pray for her sake that these circumstances will improve for her. She drinks way too much, but I think she is starting to resolve matters of the past in her heart so that the past is becoming once again, the past.

My youngest has lost her first job, got canned, if you will because she was not mature enough. She must now own up to her failures, not try to hide behind things being someone else's doing but her own, then she must move on and learn from what she has experienced, for that is what makes a person of true grit and character.

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