Aug 27, 2005

Daily thoughts

My wife had some sort of emergency surgery yesterday. A hernia from an old incision was acting suspiciously like a
kidney stone. But thankfully it was not. The doctors repaired the culprit and now she has to recover from the surgery.
With a pile of laundry, and an equally high pile of bills, I am becoming more convinced that we need to file for
bankruptcy protection. We have until October 17th according to the news on the new laws.

My wife is changing jobs. The issue is more money. Now her former employer wants her to stay but she has already made a commitment to the
new employer. So, what's a girl to do? I say honor the last commitment you made, because it is about more than just money now. It is about
honoring one's promises. Particularly hard is that she waited longer than she should have to tell the first employer and asked the latter one for
a time period of three weeks, which he granted. So my take on this is you must oblige the latter one.

A cooler weekend, and now I suspect an early and very hard winter this year. One that most Americans can't afford.

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