It has been a long time since I blogged last. This is not a Catholic version of a guilt confession, just a statement of fact. I generally have reasons why I take periods of time off and not write anything. Usually it is mood related...just don't feel like it shit.
I love my wife, yet there are times when I get insecure about her and I. When she gets to drinking too much she says anything without reguard to what she is actually saying. I believe she behaves in ways that she normally would not.
Mary is still out of the house. No prospect of her returning. Admittedly the house does not suffer the loss from the lack of bickering that used to be. Things we used to lock up are not locked up now. Food that once was eaten in one day is now spread out much further. Yet, she is missed because she can have a kind heart too. And she is opinionated, but I never really saw that as a bad thing. Great people are usually opinionated and their successes are attributable to that personality.
I am angry about Kelli's family betting on our marriage to fail. They were nice to my face, but behind my back they were pit vipers. I will not grace any of their doorsteps again. I have family that loves me, and they love Kelli too. She would be better off if she moved away from all of them excepting for Pop who remains a treasure to know. If only he would stand up to his wife once in a while.
Nov 7, 2005
Sep 25, 2005
Daily thoughts
I hate these troubled times. The Bible tells me this will all increase in time, and that soon, as the stage gets fully set for Jesus Christ to return for His faithful, we will be redeemed who have trusted in Him. Sadly, many I love will never see heaven.
My wife's father has taken ill again, and is in the hospital after having a death to life experience at the hands of a paramedic. Seems through this he has a new outlook on what life may have to yet offer him. There was a chance that his grand daughter was pregnant. As unwelcome as that is for a teenage girl, it would have still been his great-grandchild, and who can over look that reality.
Meanwhile we struggle to try to get either Jennifer back with her children, or have Christina go out there to get them. Jennifer has elected to get a divorce from Tyler, but I suspect it may be a smokescreen, one that DSS out there will surely sense as well. She must follow through with it. And Tyler needs to stay away so it isn't preceived as a smokescreen.
And now life goes what I am uncertain, but it goes on. I continue to be the subject of my wife's accusations, of what I haven't a clue, but she seems bent on accusing me of something. I just got done telling my mother how I would never leave Kelli under any circumstances, and now I wonder how much I can stand of this. She has the false impression that I don't do anything around here, the evidence more shows that it is she who says she will do this or that and it does not get done...unless we happen to have guests coming over. Between Jessica and I we have been doing a lion's share of the laundry, and I do the kitchen EVERYTHING most of the time anyway. It is I who should plead for help. There is one other teenager living here who has yet to do any folding of laundry and continues to crap up her own room, which to me is her problem since she has to live in it.
Aug 27, 2005
Daily thoughts
My wife had some sort of emergency surgery yesterday. A hernia from an old incision was acting suspiciously like a
kidney stone. But thankfully it was not. The doctors repaired the culprit and now she has to recover from the surgery.
With a pile of laundry, and an equally high pile of bills, I am becoming more convinced that we need to file for
bankruptcy protection. We have until October 17th according to the news on the new laws.
My wife is changing jobs. The issue is more money. Now her former employer wants her to stay but she has already made a commitment to the
new employer. So, what's a girl to do? I say honor the last commitment you made, because it is about more than just money now. It is about
honoring one's promises. Particularly hard is that she waited longer than she should have to tell the first employer and asked the latter one for
a time period of three weeks, which he granted. So my take on this is you must oblige the latter one.
A cooler weekend, and now I suspect an early and very hard winter this year. One that most Americans can't afford.
kidney stone. But thankfully it was not. The doctors repaired the culprit and now she has to recover from the surgery.
With a pile of laundry, and an equally high pile of bills, I am becoming more convinced that we need to file for
bankruptcy protection. We have until October 17th according to the news on the new laws.
My wife is changing jobs. The issue is more money. Now her former employer wants her to stay but she has already made a commitment to the
new employer. So, what's a girl to do? I say honor the last commitment you made, because it is about more than just money now. It is about
honoring one's promises. Particularly hard is that she waited longer than she should have to tell the first employer and asked the latter one for
a time period of three weeks, which he granted. So my take on this is you must oblige the latter one.
A cooler weekend, and now I suspect an early and very hard winter this year. One that most Americans can't afford.
Aug 21, 2005
Daily thoughts
Daily thoughts
As with all things good, life moves on. Direction is unknown except for my destiny in Christ.
The kids grow up and move out and have lives that at times may worry me, but it is for them
to solve the mysteries ahead. I have solved some of mine. Some will remain unsolved. In all,
there can be only one you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? In the end
all of what we do and say will be weighed by HIM
As with all things good, life moves on. Direction is unknown except for my destiny in Christ.
The kids grow up and move out and have lives that at times may worry me, but it is for them
to solve the mysteries ahead. I have solved some of mine. Some will remain unsolved. In all,
there can be only one you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? In the end
all of what we do and say will be weighed by HIM
Aug 3, 2005
Daily thoughts
Daily thoughts
There is always something to be thankful least that is what they tell you. I partially believe it now because I am thankful for my wife, Kelli and there is no one who I wish to replace her with. She has a hot temper, and when she goes off, she is impulsive about what she says and does. She has chosen to stay with me under the most trying circumstances, and that has to be very hard to do. I pray for her sake that these circumstances will improve for her. She drinks way too much, but I think she is starting to resolve matters of the past in her heart so that the past is becoming once again, the past.
My youngest has lost her first job, got canned, if you will because she was not mature enough. She must now own up to her failures, not try to hide behind things being someone else's doing but her own, then she must move on and learn from what she has experienced, for that is what makes a person of true grit and character.
There is always something to be thankful least that is what they tell you. I partially believe it now because I am thankful for my wife, Kelli and there is no one who I wish to replace her with. She has a hot temper, and when she goes off, she is impulsive about what she says and does. She has chosen to stay with me under the most trying circumstances, and that has to be very hard to do. I pray for her sake that these circumstances will improve for her. She drinks way too much, but I think she is starting to resolve matters of the past in her heart so that the past is becoming once again, the past.
My youngest has lost her first job, got canned, if you will because she was not mature enough. She must now own up to her failures, not try to hide behind things being someone else's doing but her own, then she must move on and learn from what she has experienced, for that is what makes a person of true grit and character.
Jul 15, 2005
Daily thoughts
Daily thoughts
I can't believe the bull crap people will put you through to get their own way. It seems my step daughter decided to stir up people, and although there are some things that may be true, they are out of context, or changed to make them sound worse than they are. When push comes to shove, I can be verbally reactive. I don't launch out on word assaults without being needled to do so. This is really causing problems in my marriage. Kelli's a bad mother and I am always picking on Mary, but the thing is all I am doing is trying to get her to comply with something I have told her to do. That's what a parent does. I can not see why my hands should seem tied in my own home. Everyone else in the place complies, but Mary has to mouth back and say things that hurt me, in retaliation I say things back. We are both mean to each other. She's an adolescent and I'm a full grown adult, but I still have freaking feelings.
So now her grandmother, a meddlesome witch, has decided to pull some shit. Guess she won't stop until Kelli and I are divorced. Hope we can out last her.
I can't believe the bull crap people will put you through to get their own way. It seems my step daughter decided to stir up people, and although there are some things that may be true, they are out of context, or changed to make them sound worse than they are. When push comes to shove, I can be verbally reactive. I don't launch out on word assaults without being needled to do so. This is really causing problems in my marriage. Kelli's a bad mother and I am always picking on Mary, but the thing is all I am doing is trying to get her to comply with something I have told her to do. That's what a parent does. I can not see why my hands should seem tied in my own home. Everyone else in the place complies, but Mary has to mouth back and say things that hurt me, in retaliation I say things back. We are both mean to each other. She's an adolescent and I'm a full grown adult, but I still have freaking feelings.
So now her grandmother, a meddlesome witch, has decided to pull some shit. Guess she won't stop until Kelli and I are divorced. Hope we can out last her.
Jul 10, 2005
Summer of 2 double ott 5

You can't imagine what it's like to be in a relationship where there are cards stacked against you from get-go. I couldn't either 5 years ago, now I am taking a new look at my thinking. Everyone has flaws. Mine I guess would be that I don't take anyone's verbal crap without giving back some in return. At times I can even be known to say hurtful things, I guess to inflict hurt on the person hurting me with their words. I know that what I say, I don't mean, but I blurt without checking the outcome first. This flaw is causing problems in my marriage, so the solution would be that I need to step back more, evaluate my options, and instead of blurting I should take a walk, drive, or whatever to avoid being "sucked in" to someone else's difficulty. As a step-parent, I am certain that there is no way I can run my own home. I don't have enough support from my partner on a consistent basis, and if I want to remain married to her, I have to learn that I am just a transcient here until the kids are all grown up and moved out....can't wait! Am I being selfish? Perhaps, but I know that I have been battling the same scenario since 2001, not only with a step child, but with my mother-in- law. And I feel done with the battle. I will lick my wounds and try me best to tough it out and survive. I will continue in my faith and attend church regularly even though I have no partner in that, and should not have expected one in it. I will go because God is the one who can help me to become what I cannot become on my own accord. I will love my wife until / unless love becomes "not enough".
Jul 4, 2005
I Have Feelings Too! Damn it!
Daily thoughts
July 4th, 2005 -
Whiz bang! Fireworks will adorne the skies of many a town tonight as Americans celebrate in their own way, the anniversary of the Independence of our Nation. Freedom fought for, freedom died for. I am proud to be an American, and to have served in the United States Air Force.
At home today, things are quiet. I should rejoice, I mean isn't this what I have always wanted? Well, sort of. What I really want is to figure a way to get along with a 15 year old teenage girl who strives to make my life miserable, and I let her succeed. Now I regret my part in this almost daily event with her, but I surrender to my feelings too much. Now what I plan to do is simply be here, but NOT here. I will put food on the table to the best of my ability. I will do my part in keeping my house in order. Then when trouble brews, I will simply hop in the car and depart from it. There's no fixing this, so I will merely endure it.
July 4th, 2005 -
Whiz bang! Fireworks will adorne the skies of many a town tonight as Americans celebrate in their own way, the anniversary of the Independence of our Nation. Freedom fought for, freedom died for. I am proud to be an American, and to have served in the United States Air Force.
At home today, things are quiet. I should rejoice, I mean isn't this what I have always wanted? Well, sort of. What I really want is to figure a way to get along with a 15 year old teenage girl who strives to make my life miserable, and I let her succeed. Now I regret my part in this almost daily event with her, but I surrender to my feelings too much. Now what I plan to do is simply be here, but NOT here. I will put food on the table to the best of my ability. I will do my part in keeping my house in order. Then when trouble brews, I will simply hop in the car and depart from it. There's no fixing this, so I will merely endure it.
Jun 26, 2005
After the big graduation I am feeling a bit older. Now, I realize that there is no way to go back in time, and I am not sure I'd want to relive everything anyway. Still there is a certain amount of realization on my part that I am going to get old, and I am going to see people before me that I care about die for various reasons, nothing can stop that. God has appointed unto every man one death.
My #3 daughter has graduated, and has done very well in school. I regret that I am unable to give her the money she needs to go to college. I regret that she is going to have to work until she can acquire her own financial aid. That hurts me. That cuts me like a knife because I think about all of the times I squandered away what I had for a few selfish earthly pleasure.
My oldest is now trying to get my grandchildren out of foster care and with family. I am proud of her, and I pray for her success. In that, I am further regretful that I am unable to get them out due to my past. Everyone has a past, but one day I shall write a book about mine, so that perhaps someone might see it and think before they act.
Is there a mafia element in this country today. I believe so. I don't know nor want to know where , when, and all of that. It seems my #2 daughter has been rumored to be mixed up with someone that may be part of such a thing. I hope she gets her marbles back before she loses all she has.
My #3 daughter has graduated, and has done very well in school. I regret that I am unable to give her the money she needs to go to college. I regret that she is going to have to work until she can acquire her own financial aid. That hurts me. That cuts me like a knife because I think about all of the times I squandered away what I had for a few selfish earthly pleasure.
My oldest is now trying to get my grandchildren out of foster care and with family. I am proud of her, and I pray for her success. In that, I am further regretful that I am unable to get them out due to my past. Everyone has a past, but one day I shall write a book about mine, so that perhaps someone might see it and think before they act.
Is there a mafia element in this country today. I believe so. I don't know nor want to know where , when, and all of that. It seems my #2 daughter has been rumored to be mixed up with someone that may be part of such a thing. I hope she gets her marbles back before she loses all she has.
Jun 21, 2005
Another Chapter in Life
The things we choose and the paths we all take can have ripple effects on everyone around us. We do not live unto ourselves, but the things we do, both good and bad effect not only us, but our families, our friends, especially those we love dearest.
At this writing, my second eldest daughter has chosen a path that has caused great pain for her entire family. She has been homeless, and just lost custody of her two children to the Social Service agency in the area she's living in. There is a second grandchild born to us named Gabrielle, born June 8th. There are many questions, but no answers are coming. She chose to keep us in the dark about her homelessness, and about her baby.
My past makes it impossible for me to get them out of foster care, and my daughter back here to relative safety. Following her husband's lead, she has elected to mess with underworld characters, probably trying to find a quick wealth....but that sort of thing does not come, or comes with a very heavy price.
I have two grand children in foster care that I can not help at this time. I am very wounded. I wish I had been a better man my whole life. I wish my eldest daughter and her husband could get them out. I am amiss of solutions.
My wife is beside herself, Jen's sisters are beside themselves. Even her grandmother can't help because the has to deal with my father's early alzheimers symtoms. All the while our finances suck and our own children cause us challenges normal to their teen years, but nevertheless, this adds to the stress pot.
Help Oh God, our weaknesses.
At this writing, my second eldest daughter has chosen a path that has caused great pain for her entire family. She has been homeless, and just lost custody of her two children to the Social Service agency in the area she's living in. There is a second grandchild born to us named Gabrielle, born June 8th. There are many questions, but no answers are coming. She chose to keep us in the dark about her homelessness, and about her baby.
My past makes it impossible for me to get them out of foster care, and my daughter back here to relative safety. Following her husband's lead, she has elected to mess with underworld characters, probably trying to find a quick wealth....but that sort of thing does not come, or comes with a very heavy price.
I have two grand children in foster care that I can not help at this time. I am very wounded. I wish I had been a better man my whole life. I wish my eldest daughter and her husband could get them out. I am amiss of solutions.
My wife is beside herself, Jen's sisters are beside themselves. Even her grandmother can't help because the has to deal with my father's early alzheimers symtoms. All the while our finances suck and our own children cause us challenges normal to their teen years, but nevertheless, this adds to the stress pot.
Help Oh God, our weaknesses.
Jun 3, 2005
Enough! Too Much for an Old Man
I discovered that I am not as "able bodied" as I was 10 years ago, and have elected to resign from
Wal-Mart. The size of the store, the neglect on other parts of my life for money just didn't seem like sound reasons to stay. I call this afternoon to inform them and thank them for hiring me and giving me the opportunity. I will have to pray for another financial solution. Maybe bankrutcy is the only option.
Kelli is working a little, and we still have "some" unemployment left for her. God can help her get that job she wants, it she will consistently trust Him for that. All of us neglect our faith, and we give God a finite amount of time to answer our prayers, or we go do like I did and try to help themselves. I have neglected church last Sunday because I had no energy left after work.
We will do without cable TV and other things as needed to get by until things can improve for us.
Wal-Mart. The size of the store, the neglect on other parts of my life for money just didn't seem like sound reasons to stay. I call this afternoon to inform them and thank them for hiring me and giving me the opportunity. I will have to pray for another financial solution. Maybe bankrutcy is the only option.
Kelli is working a little, and we still have "some" unemployment left for her. God can help her get that job she wants, it she will consistently trust Him for that. All of us neglect our faith, and we give God a finite amount of time to answer our prayers, or we go do like I did and try to help themselves. I have neglected church last Sunday because I had no energy left after work.
We will do without cable TV and other things as needed to get by until things can improve for us.
May 31, 2005
New Beginnings
Jessica started her first real job today at a Dunkin Donuts. She was so proud of herself that she called to tell her mom the good news, but her mom's response I guess was less than encouraging and excited for her. Sometimes I think her mom has thrown a shoe or something... I mean, I know she's pissed at me for Jess wanting to come live with me, but that should make no difference when it comes to one's daughter. I am very proud of her. She has to go to a prom this weekend, but when asked if she could work she told them as long as it ends before 4PM. That's a good work ethic! She didn't try to write the whole day off.
I will be working both jobs the remainder of the week and likely into the weekend. That bothers Kelli more than it does me. It isn't forever, it's just to get our finances back on track or until she can get meaningful employment. It's a risk not spending time together, but it's for a good reason...our kids need us to be able to provide them with things. We don't have them for long....just really three more years to be precise.
My #3 daughter's graduation commensement is June 25th. We are giving her a party at my brother's along with Stefan's on July 16th. Both are Saturdays.
The events happening globally seem more and more to be pointing towards Christ's imminent return for His faithful. The world doesn't all believe that, but they do so to their own destruction and eternal damnation. I didn't say that, God did.
Wal-Mart sure has changed since I worked there 10 years ago. I like some of the changes, but I am almost certain Sam Walton, founder of Wal-Mart, would not approve of some of the changes. Still other changes were admittedly necessary in order to stay competitively priced on stuff.
Ashley's car is now insured, we got the ID cards, but now the trick is getting plates on the darn thing. In Pennsylvania this is not as easy as it was for me when I lived in NY. The local DMV does not provide plates. The do only photo ID's for the licenses. What a waste of governmental services. They should offer it on line like they do other services if they are going to be so tight about everything.
I will be working both jobs the remainder of the week and likely into the weekend. That bothers Kelli more than it does me. It isn't forever, it's just to get our finances back on track or until she can get meaningful employment. It's a risk not spending time together, but it's for a good reason...our kids need us to be able to provide them with things. We don't have them for long....just really three more years to be precise.
My #3 daughter's graduation commensement is June 25th. We are giving her a party at my brother's along with Stefan's on July 16th. Both are Saturdays.
The events happening globally seem more and more to be pointing towards Christ's imminent return for His faithful. The world doesn't all believe that, but they do so to their own destruction and eternal damnation. I didn't say that, God did.
Wal-Mart sure has changed since I worked there 10 years ago. I like some of the changes, but I am almost certain Sam Walton, founder of Wal-Mart, would not approve of some of the changes. Still other changes were admittedly necessary in order to stay competitively priced on stuff.
Ashley's car is now insured, we got the ID cards, but now the trick is getting plates on the darn thing. In Pennsylvania this is not as easy as it was for me when I lived in NY. The local DMV does not provide plates. The do only photo ID's for the licenses. What a waste of governmental services. They should offer it on line like they do other services if they are going to be so tight about everything.
May 28, 2005
May 28, 2005
Started a second job at Wal-Mart in Mansfield. There has been a big change in Wal-Mart since I worked there 10 years ago. Kelli did not get her job prospect, but we are still praying for another. God is faithful and will see use through this tough time brought on by a rich bitch.
May 23, 2005
May 23, 2005 6:27PM
Tragedy struck this small Wellsboro, PA community Saturday afternoon, as a young man was killed with the accidental firing of a 22 cal. pistol. Target shooting is a common thing in these parts as there are many farmers and varmints are numerous. The boy, Dennis Saunderlin, died during surgery at Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre, PA.
The real tragedy is that such a young life was lost, that someone shot him accidentally, that his parents and twin brother have lost a loved one, and that the boy was well liked in his community. Gun control, perhaps, might have saved this young man, but gun safety probably more so.
My prayers go out to that family, and to his friends.
Cloudy day today. Work was mundane. No word yet for Kelli on the Laurel job. Still praying.
The real tragedy is that such a young life was lost, that someone shot him accidentally, that his parents and twin brother have lost a loved one, and that the boy was well liked in his community. Gun control, perhaps, might have saved this young man, but gun safety probably more so.
My prayers go out to that family, and to his friends.
Cloudy day today. Work was mundane. No word yet for Kelli on the Laurel job. Still praying.
May 22, 2005
Daily thoughts
Daily thoughts
May 22, 2005 2:16PM
In about an hour I have to travel up to the Nichols, NY to pick up Jessica from her w/e visit with her mom.
The weather outside is cloudy with very few spots of sunshine. That doesn't matter because it is, so far, not raining and I can be either inside or out. I did some more repairs on a lawn tractor my father-in-law gave me to use. I have to wait until Thursday to buy some blades for the cutting deck, the ones on it are bent and very dull. To buy them on the MTD webpage would cost $20 a piece.
Kelli still has not heard anything on her job prospect. I pray she does get that job. If not, I am sure God has another one for her in mind. It's the waiting and the lack of income that will befall us when her partial unemployment runs out.
I blog this statement, and it is my own opinion:
I feel that Kelli was let go from the Wellsboro Diner after 8 years because it was the first time she applied for partial unemployment. We were only trying to make ends meet until the business there picked up. Nell Roundsaville presents herself as a rich bully. So, I believe any punishment belongs to God to do anyway. We can't do anything about it anyway because there just aren't any laws to protect the common man from such things.
Our van is paid off this week, and I will gain a $168/month in income. We do need to replace it, but will wait for awhile until we have other employement that pays a decent wage.
In restrospect, I wish the world would contain more loving and caring people, as opposed to the ones who bite and devour one another for money. Life is wonderful when people don't have to quarrel over stupid shit.
May 22, 2005 2:16PM
In about an hour I have to travel up to the Nichols, NY to pick up Jessica from her w/e visit with her mom.
The weather outside is cloudy with very few spots of sunshine. That doesn't matter because it is, so far, not raining and I can be either inside or out. I did some more repairs on a lawn tractor my father-in-law gave me to use. I have to wait until Thursday to buy some blades for the cutting deck, the ones on it are bent and very dull. To buy them on the MTD webpage would cost $20 a piece.
Kelli still has not heard anything on her job prospect. I pray she does get that job. If not, I am sure God has another one for her in mind. It's the waiting and the lack of income that will befall us when her partial unemployment runs out.
I blog this statement, and it is my own opinion:
I feel that Kelli was let go from the Wellsboro Diner after 8 years because it was the first time she applied for partial unemployment. We were only trying to make ends meet until the business there picked up. Nell Roundsaville presents herself as a rich bully. So, I believe any punishment belongs to God to do anyway. We can't do anything about it anyway because there just aren't any laws to protect the common man from such things.
Our van is paid off this week, and I will gain a $168/month in income. We do need to replace it, but will wait for awhile until we have other employement that pays a decent wage.
In restrospect, I wish the world would contain more loving and caring people, as opposed to the ones who bite and devour one another for money. Life is wonderful when people don't have to quarrel over stupid shit.
May 21, 2005
Daily thoughts
Daily thoughts
Saturday, May 21st, 2005 8:54 PM
This weekend was a lazy one. Kelli has Saturday and Sunday off, a rare thing. I was hoping she wanted to spend at least Saturday with me, but she chose to go to someone's camp and have beer. Beer is ok, but sometimes people over indulge in it, and that bothers me when my wife does that. The weather is warming up slowly, but it was partly cloudy and I am not sure if it was mostly cloudy or sunny. It's night time now, and the day well spent. I sit here alone typing this into my blog. On my mind is Jessica who had an ATV accident on Thursday night at a friend's house. Although the doctor at the ER said she is ok, I still want to know she is ok. She has chosen to visit her mother on this very weekend, mostly so she can get her prom dress.
There are issues with raising teens that they don't necessarily warn you about. Like teen sexuality. You think you will have the right answer to tell them when they ask, then you discover you don't have any answers. In fact, they already know and have possibly experienced sex without your knowing it. So, you love them where they are at and pray they make more sound choices in their future.
Saturday, May 21st, 2005 8:54 PM
This weekend was a lazy one. Kelli has Saturday and Sunday off, a rare thing. I was hoping she wanted to spend at least Saturday with me, but she chose to go to someone's camp and have beer. Beer is ok, but sometimes people over indulge in it, and that bothers me when my wife does that. The weather is warming up slowly, but it was partly cloudy and I am not sure if it was mostly cloudy or sunny. It's night time now, and the day well spent. I sit here alone typing this into my blog. On my mind is Jessica who had an ATV accident on Thursday night at a friend's house. Although the doctor at the ER said she is ok, I still want to know she is ok. She has chosen to visit her mother on this very weekend, mostly so she can get her prom dress.
There are issues with raising teens that they don't necessarily warn you about. Like teen sexuality. You think you will have the right answer to tell them when they ask, then you discover you don't have any answers. In fact, they already know and have possibly experienced sex without your knowing it. So, you love them where they are at and pray they make more sound choices in their future.
May 12, 2005
May 12th
It would seem that all is well in our little ol' town of Wellsboro. The temperature has dropped to cold again. Dang it! We had been enjoying warm temperatures and sunshine....we still have the sunshine. I have a possible temporary job at Wal-Mart. Don't know when I start yet. Have to go to an orientation, get drug tested, and all of that crap.
Life at Ward is bearable, but a power shift from a nice boss to a dictator style boss has me concerned. I think I shall butt heads with him by the end of the year, and maybe get fired. My colleague agrees. Still, it is a job, and it does pay the bills. Just wish I had someplace else to go. Especially interesting would be aerospace or avionics mechanical engineering. Love that sort of thing you know.
Trying to organize a graduation party for my #3 daughter graduating this June. I plan on sharing the party with my brother who's step son is also graduating...sort of pool our efforts.
Kelli may have a job at the Hospital. It would be a really good job for her to have. I hope they see in her a good worker. I pray they call her this week to tell her she has the job.
Life at Ward is bearable, but a power shift from a nice boss to a dictator style boss has me concerned. I think I shall butt heads with him by the end of the year, and maybe get fired. My colleague agrees. Still, it is a job, and it does pay the bills. Just wish I had someplace else to go. Especially interesting would be aerospace or avionics mechanical engineering. Love that sort of thing you know.
Trying to organize a graduation party for my #3 daughter graduating this June. I plan on sharing the party with my brother who's step son is also graduating...sort of pool our efforts.
Kelli may have a job at the Hospital. It would be a really good job for her to have. I hope they see in her a good worker. I pray they call her this week to tell her she has the job.
Apr 29, 2005
Colder Friday- normal for here
I love this blog stuff. Someday I will learn how to do everything in it.
Today is Friday, and it is cold, but the right temperature for April. We are very tight on money these days with Kelli out of work except for a 15 hour per week job at a submarine sandwich shop. I pray for relief for this soon because my earnings are not sufficient to run everything here without severely cutting back on stuff we like to do and are used to having.
At times I feel alone, like I am the only one who hasn't given up the fight to keep going. I know this is foolish thinking, Kelli is doing all she can to help out. There have been some prospects for her in this tight Pennsylvania job market. I pray she gets a job, and one she likes doing.
Who knows how much time God has given each of us on this planet. So we strive to make the best of each day, mindful that He is the source of all good things, and will provide for all of our needs. I pray each day for Kelli and the girls because I know this must be equally tough on them. As a provider oriented kind of guy, I see it as my job to make them happy. God will give me the drive to accomplish my goals. I thank God for our friends and our family. I thank God for our church family who have given unselfishly to help us out. This may be a small town, but it has a big heart in its people.
Today is Friday, and it is cold, but the right temperature for April. We are very tight on money these days with Kelli out of work except for a 15 hour per week job at a submarine sandwich shop. I pray for relief for this soon because my earnings are not sufficient to run everything here without severely cutting back on stuff we like to do and are used to having.
At times I feel alone, like I am the only one who hasn't given up the fight to keep going. I know this is foolish thinking, Kelli is doing all she can to help out. There have been some prospects for her in this tight Pennsylvania job market. I pray she gets a job, and one she likes doing.
Who knows how much time God has given each of us on this planet. So we strive to make the best of each day, mindful that He is the source of all good things, and will provide for all of our needs. I pray each day for Kelli and the girls because I know this must be equally tough on them. As a provider oriented kind of guy, I see it as my job to make them happy. God will give me the drive to accomplish my goals. I thank God for our friends and our family. I thank God for our church family who have given unselfishly to help us out. This may be a small town, but it has a big heart in its people.
Apr 16, 2005
April 16th blog
It's another sunny day, only warmer...about 70° I believe. Took my step-daughter to the Emergency Room for a back related injury. They gave her medication and sent her home to rest. Nothing they can do, so they say. I begin to wonder about the medical profession.
Kelli works a double today. It has to be making her tired. I know we need the extra money right now, but I miss her greatly.
I love this time of year. The farmers are all out in the fields, busting ground for the year's crops. Then they spray liquid shit on it to add nutrients to the soil for growing corn and cattle feed. Needless to say, the odor can be something objectionable, yet without it, we'd have no food.
Our two dogs have been enjoying basking in the sunshine. My oldest dog is a male Yorkie.
Kelli works a double today. It has to be making her tired. I know we need the extra money right now, but I miss her greatly.
I love this time of year. The farmers are all out in the fields, busting ground for the year's crops. Then they spray liquid shit on it to add nutrients to the soil for growing corn and cattle feed. Needless to say, the odor can be something objectionable, yet without it, we'd have no food.
Our two dogs have been enjoying basking in the sunshine. My oldest dog is a male Yorkie.
Apr 14, 2005
Daily Thoughts of Mark
The things each day brings is just a small speck in the fabric of time. We can neither forsee them, nor stop them from coming. That's just the way it is...
Today was a nice sunny day. I spent most of it at work doing not much at all. I have a good job, but it does not always produce work for me to do, so I have to create stuff to do and look busy. My day started at 06:00 AM, and I arrived at work about 15 minutes early. This hasn't been the norm for me for months, but as the days grow longer in this part of the hemisphere, it gets easier. Warmer days, however, make it harder to remain at work without taking a vacation day, but I anticipate a nice summer so I want to have vacation to take advantage of that.
My friend Ginny from Singapore loves to fish apparently, Our trout fishing season starts here in Pennsylvania on Saturday. I don't have my license, but perhaps I can get that on pay day and go fishing.
I will try to post a photo now.
Today was a nice sunny day. I spent most of it at work doing not much at all. I have a good job, but it does not always produce work for me to do, so I have to create stuff to do and look busy. My day started at 06:00 AM, and I arrived at work about 15 minutes early. This hasn't been the norm for me for months, but as the days grow longer in this part of the hemisphere, it gets easier. Warmer days, however, make it harder to remain at work without taking a vacation day, but I anticipate a nice summer so I want to have vacation to take advantage of that.
My friend Ginny from Singapore loves to fish apparently, Our trout fishing season starts here in Pennsylvania on Saturday. I don't have my license, but perhaps I can get that on pay day and go fishing.
I will try to post a photo now.
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