Nov 7, 2005

Hind Sight

It has been a long time since I blogged last. This is not a Catholic version of a guilt confession, just a statement of fact. I generally have reasons why I take periods of time off and not write anything. Usually it is mood related...just don't feel like it shit.

I love my wife, yet there are times when I get insecure about her and I. When she gets to drinking too much she says anything without reguard to what she is actually saying. I believe she behaves in ways that she normally would not.

Mary is still out of the house. No prospect of her returning. Admittedly the house does not suffer the loss from the lack of bickering that used to be. Things we used to lock up are not locked up now. Food that once was eaten in one day is now spread out much further. Yet, she is missed because she can have a kind heart too. And she is opinionated, but I never really saw that as a bad thing. Great people are usually opinionated and their successes are attributable to that personality.

I am angry about Kelli's family betting on our marriage to fail. They were nice to my face, but behind my back they were pit vipers. I will not grace any of their doorsteps again. I have family that loves me, and they love Kelli too. She would be better off if she moved away from all of them excepting for Pop who remains a treasure to know. If only he would stand up to his wife once in a while.