Apr 30, 2006

Daily thoughts: New Lease

Daily thoughts: Sweet Guy

It has been one week and 2 days since Kelli's last drink. I can see her trying to get ahold of her alcoholism now. I also hope this won't be temporary for her. She said she now knows I was serious about leaving her. If that motivates her, then that is a good thing, right?

I also went through a short trial of my own. I had a Nuclear Stress Test the monday before Easter, and got a call on that Tuesday following telling Kelli I had better get set up for a Heart Cath soon. We both were panicing and stressing over that. On Good Friday I had the cath done. The doctor claimed that there was an 11% chance it was wrong, but the cath was the only way to know for certain. So, I was looking forward to having Stents put in, and panicing and stressing the whole time. The stress test was WRONG! I was not only clear, but had no narrowings either.

Now all I have to deal with is getting this weight off, getting my blood sugar under control, and maybe even getting off all three of my medications within a year's time. THAT SHALL BE MY GOAL! I am doing fairly well with that so far.

To Kelli: I love you so much. I hope you will beat the alcohol thing. I really hope Mary doesn't drive us apart in the end. I will try not to let her win! When she is 18 and graduated, I can toss her butt out! And I will.