May 18, 2006

Daily thoughts

Daily thoughts

It seems all of us have crosses to bare. Kelli's is her health, which she does not manage very well. She now has a large mass in her breast, the one that was operated on last and a mass removed already. The same one that pre-cancer cells was found in. Although she has not made a big deal out of it tonight so far, I know her well enough to know she is scared. This is a fear that many women with fibrocystic disease deal with on a lifetime basis.

We have rain now. The drought watch is probably going to be over for a while. The sun has poked out this evening, it's 6:28Pm EST and days are longer now anyway.

I continue to struggle with debt, resisting bankruptcy and laboring through what I can pay. Meanwhile our utilities need to be paid and we need to be able to rise above all of this and be able to enjoy life again. Perhaps along the way we will get time to relax. Maybe that is not what life really offers, but it is never the less a hope I have.

Challenges abound where Mary is concerned, she continues to test me and in fact is down right abusive knowing I can not do anything about it. I hate being a stepfather, and I hate how I have to feel when she's around. I wish she'd hurry up and move the fu*k out!

Kelli had to go back into work tonight, so I am Mr. Mom for a couple of hours.