Mar 24, 2006

Sweet Guy

I am now diagnosed as having diabetes. Although this should alarm me, it is merely a wake up call to lose weight that I have badly needed to lose before. We are going to see if it is diet controlled or if I will need insulin or pills. Neither one scares me, I have never been afraid of needles. Now, at least I understand why I have had the types of cravings I have been having this past year.

I am not sure how long I have had it, but it must be that my blood sugar fluctuates because I can tell when it is up. I will now have to be vigilant about taking care of the body that God entrusted to me. I will exercise by walking for now, and will look into using the school's gym equipment.

Kelli is still drinking a lot, she does not seem to realize what this is doing to her and I, and perhaps she just does not care. Pridefully, she'll say that she does not care if I leave, but I think she will if/ when it happens. I am getting to the end of my tolerance of her situation. She needs AA and counseling to deal with underlying issues. Until she does that, she will continue until she has nothing, or dies. Too bad, because I really really love her.

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